I’m a teacher by trade and I really enjoy
coaching and mentoring others. It has been a really interesting experience to
try doing both of these things out here in another culture. It has also
convinced me I am learning far more myself here than anything I am passing on.
Staff training day hosted by Kapumpe |
This term at Kapumpe we have been looking at
how we can make our school more Zambian.
I have visited a number of other Zambian schools which has got me thinking
about the ways in which we do things and how we make decisions about what is
best for the children we teach.
A private school in Ndola |
A community school in Kitwe |
The easiest way to do something is to do it the
way you have always done it. For example, when I started teaching Grade 2 at
Kapumpe last year, I set up my classroom in a similar way to how I would in the
UK. I used planning formats that I had previously used, and a behaviour system
which had been successful back home. Soon after term began, I was asked to
mentor a Zambian teacher and share class responsibility with her. This meant
that I was able to show her my way of doing things whilst providing
encouragement and feedback to broaden and improve her teaching skills.
My grade 2 classroom last year |
On reflection I think that I assumed that I
knew how to teach and that I was the one with skills to pass on. Since then however,
I have had quite a change of mindset. I’ve learned that a method or strategy that
is effective in one environment or culture does not always transfer well to a different
context. Our best resource here at Kapumpe Christian Primary School is definitely
our Zambian staff. They have a deeper knowledge and understanding of the local
children and culture that I will never have. If I were to take on a similar
challenge again, I would approach things a different way. First, I would ask about how
things are done in Zambia.
One of our members of staff who I have learned a lot from |
In my work to develop the school, I have
introduced systems that will help us monitor and improve our performance - a
school improvement plan, lesson observations and performance management appraisals.
Each time I started to introduce one of these systems which I thought might be
new and innovative at a staff meeting here, I found that the Zambian teachers
were already familiar with it. The process might look different (for example,
I’ve heard that lesson observations over here focus on identifying the
teacher’s mistakes!), but they are still carried out for similar reasons.
I am confident that some of the teaching
strategies we have introduced at Kapumpe have really helped to improve the quality of the
education that the children receive. We recently invited parents and guardians
to attend a meeting with their child’s class teacher to discuss their progress
and see their work – like parent’s evening but in the afternoon. It was lovely to hear so many
positive comments. Numerous parents and guardians came to find me so that they
could tell me how pleased they were with how their child was getting on. Many
of them mentioned that they have noticed a distinct difference between children
who attend Kapumpe and others in the community. I myself have noticed this difference
in terms of confidence, spoken English and thinking skills.
Looking at children's work before teacher-parent meetings |
One area that Zambian schools seem similar to
those in the UK is the challenge of government demands. The government expectations
for teaching and learning in Zambia are further ahead of where I expected them
to be, yet many teachers tell me there is a big focus on statistics. Completing
a census form about Kapumpe for the government took us two meetings and several
additional hours, yet we’re not
sure what the data collected is actually used for. I’ve heard that teachers have
to re-write their register every time a new child joins the class (a frequent
occurrence here). At many local schools there are over 70 children to a class
and most teachers do not have a computer so will write everything by hand.
As a school, we at Kapumpe are very much
learning as we grow. It is my hope that next year all our classes will have a
Zambian teacher who we can mentor, support and learn from. The different
knowledge, skills and experience that each member brings will only make us a
stronger, more effective team.
Our current grade 2 teacher |
Great work and well written about as usual - love reading about your work and journey!